Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129121-129140 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920deja_vueDejaVue -> Ruby versioning Gem using MongoDB as backend
95,5920isp-themeSmall TU Darmstadt Theme for ISP Purposes
95,5920teliaxrUnofficial ruby api to the Teliax Dashboard
95,5920bundesstrasseBasic ZeroMQ wrapper for JRuby
95,5920ruby_aem_awsruby_aem_aws is a Ruby client for Shine Solutions Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Platfo...
95,5920sockerA simple lib that helps you build awesome websockets apps
95,5920clear_objectHelps you build objects without boilerplate.
95,5920codebreaker-BulatkinCrack the code
95,5920krazyA simple hello world gem
95,5920socket-keepaliveTCP Keepalive extension for Ruby. see tcp(7). (Linux only)
95,5920dbgetThis serves the backup
95,5920select_byExtends ruby Array class to add new equality filtering methods select_by, reject_by, de...
95,5920bundle_lockFind out current and outdated gems in your gem file and create lock including maven.
95,5920rstakeWatches a list of files for changes, and executes a given command when any changes are ...
95,5920sunspot_matchers_testunitThese matchers allow you to test what is happening inside the Sunspot Search DSL blocks
95,5920danger-wccA Danger plugin for Watermark Church custom rules.
95,5920givepulseA wrapper gem around Givepulse's API
95,5920rsfhelperA client for conveniently sending requests to a Rack-rscript web server
95,5920sportdb-configsportdb-config - sport.db configuration settings and built-in defaults
95,5920itms_automationBehavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test Web ...