Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129141-129160 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920formulaFormula is a Rails form generator that generates simple clean markup. The project aims ...
95,5920refinerycms-redactorAdds support for using the Redactor editor in a Refinery site. Bring your own license!
95,5920driverSimple Framework for API Client.
95,5920hola_sirishA simple hello world gem
95,5920glider-railsGlider, AngularJS UI slider for rails asset pipeline
95,5920shoes_date_pickerA date picker for the shoes GUI toolkit.
95,5920hotspot-loginHotspot-login is a ruby script. It goal is connected hotspot like "Sfr Wifi", "FreeWifi...
95,5920satisfySatisfy is a micro-framework supports the creation and execution of test specificat...
95,5920gitsheetGitsheet is a small command line utility to quickly gather user and repository data fro...
95,5920blissstreamed xml parsing tool
95,5920squixturesSquixtures is a library that provides a data fixtures facility ala the fixtures typical...
95,5920seed_extextract active_record to truncate and seed
95,5920ffwd-collectdcollectd support for FFWD.
95,5920chrono_apiTimer API
95,5920gs2-ruby-sdk-inboxGame Server Services GS2-Inbox Client Library
95,5920fluent-plugin-modsecurity-audit-logModsecurity AuditLog input plugin for Fluentd
95,5920clovemix-jekyll-themeClovemix jekyll theme by Ashish Patil
95,5920show_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
95,5920fluent-plugin-anomalydetectdetect anomal sequential input casually