Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129161-129180 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800pebbles-orzA joke gem to define aliases
102,5800splitcsvThis gem splits a CSV file into multiple CSV files, based on a maximum length you can s...
102,5800avayaIf you are looking to talk to you Avaya Ip Office then this is the gem for you!
102,5800require_columnsMake sure your ActiveRecord models have specific columns.
102,5800team_pageInsert TeamPage description.
102,5800pigeon_fuPigeonFu is a Ruby gem (also can be as a Rails plugin, it'll support Rails 3.0.0 or abo...
102,5800rack-nackmodeMiddleware that communicates impending shutdown to a load balancer via NACKing (negativ...
102,5800rapidRapid Application Development platform for Crystal Framework
102,5800rubber-jcarnegieThe rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...
102,5800shipedgeShipedge gem
102,5800ruby-parseconfigThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
102,5800rdoc_osx_dictionaryrdoc via Apple's Dictionary.app. Automatically builds and installs an Apple Dictionary ...
102,5800ruby_galthe very best responsive gallery
102,5800sma_apiExtract data from a SMA Inverter web interface.
102,5800my_gems_summaryA gem to get a summary of your gems.
102,5800oyiRuby library for https://oyindonesia.com/ APIs
102,5800octopress-capture-tagA powerful replacement for the Liquid capture tag
102,5800rblintrblint provides a pluggable linting utility for Ruby.
102,5800radiant-location-extensionLocation is a Radiant Extension that will allow you to create relatively robust list of...
102,5800assumeAssume is an assert library with a better name