Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132381-132400 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700bootstrap_autocomplete_inputAdds an input with autocomplete/typeahead compatible with Bootstrap 4.
38,9700v2_intuityWrapper allows one to manage V2Intuity's Rest API and even create/update/delete Streams...
38,9700sensu-plugins-rocketchatSensu Rocket.chat plugins
38,9700politreeA Ruby gem to generate a tree view of your HCL Vault policies files.
38,9700message_bus_client_workerSubscribe to MessageBus using Sidekiq workers
38,9700betterpOverwrites Kernel#p to provide output with file path, line numbers, and profiling.
38,9700lite-reportImport and export Ruby and Rails objects to flat files and vice versa
38,9700rate_throttlethrottle load of block by calling sleep
38,9700rack-googlemarketplaceWrite a gem description
38,9700asset_ossasset_oss is a library for uploading static assets to Aliyun OSS.
38,9700cautiousThis package contains two modules: Cautious and Combineable
38,9700rails_assistantrails_assistant gem connects via a websocket to your Rails Assistant project, currently...
38,9700rsrcCommand-line tool for generating boilerplate for testing Ruby scripts
38,9700crb-blastSee summary
38,9700comics_packagerIs a gem for packaging digital comic books.
38,9700etherubyEtheruby is a library including a client for the JSON-RPC API and a Object-Contract Map...
38,9700lustr-wxdescription of gem
38,9700workarea-orderbotOrdebot OMS integration for catalog and order data.
38,9700namptPayment gem
38,9700cashila-apiWrapper for Cashila API