Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132401-132420 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382squishitSquishIt lets you squish your css and javascript! For .NET
110,0382shortyMakes it easy to shorten URLs
110,0382birthday_calculatorCalculate days left yo your birthday
110,0382lotr-sdkConsume information about the Lord of the Rings trilogy
110,0382jeremyevans-simple_ldap_authenticatorEasy authentication to an LDAP server(s)
110,0382bmraceA command line tool for benchmark competition.
110,0382octofartAutomate bulk update of code from repositories within your organization, like the wind. :)
110,0382locomotivecms_mounter_pull_19Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...
110,0382adderAdds two number
110,0382rusty_engineThis is my first attempt at trying to create a ruby on rails application engine
110,0382edit_in_placeedit_in_place is a gem that allows the creation of user interfaces that allow the user ...
110,0382ulam_spiralThis gem can generate Ulam spiral and also shows result on console
110,0382attribute_extensionsAttribute Extenstions
110,0382check_diskSensu/Nagios CLI Command Check for disk inode and block usage.
110,0382gregwebs-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
110,0382sams_mega_lottoThis is a gem that takes an array of 5 integers and produced integers between 0 and 60 ...
110,0382gran_pulseGran Pulse may be used for health checking the project and its dependencies, like datab...
110,0382terraforming-dnsimpleTerraforming extension for DNSimple