Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134401-134420 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800apisatqacloudUse this gem qacloud.
102,5800myxiA RabbitMQ-based web socket server & framework
102,5800mynatramynatra: the easy to use framework.
102,5800openstax_contentRuby bindings to read and parse the OpenStax ABL and the content archive
102,5800rspec-ramlRSpec matchers for working with RAML.
102,5800vagrant-cos-guestSupport cOS guest images based of opensuse
102,5800word2vecA simple wrapper for word2vec.
102,5800wr_bwr_b is the ir_b over the WebSocket. You can start an irb session on the browser that s...
102,5800outlook2gcalThis lib/tool syncs your Outlook calendar with your (private) Google calendar. The sync...
102,5800ping_pongPing responder
102,5800swaggenSwagger code generator written in Ruby
102,5800null_recordEnables ActiveRecord FinderMethods to return Null Objects.
102,5800uniSimple interface de la orce, para consultar informacion publica y privada de un alumno
102,5800ofrom version 2.0.4, it renamed to optimism, new home page is github.com/GutenYe/optimism
102,5800punctuation_marks_gemI will turn punctuation into stupid and blurry.
102,5800rbdtbruby plain device tree parser
102,5800acnh_informationsGet things informations from Animal Crossing New Horizons using https://acnhapi.com/. W...
102,5800sandwichYup, cucumber helpers
102,5800twitchbotA framework for creating Twitch.tv chat bots
102,5800polvomenuDirectory-based command-line menu