Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134501-134520 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800abo_parserThis gem is a parser/export for the ABO bank statements and payment orders.
102,5800twitter_filterlets you find the Tweets you want
102,5800shomen-yardShomen YARD is a utiliity for generating Shomen documentation file using YARD as a back...
102,5800bio-biolinuxMeta package for BioLinux distribution: bio-core, bio-core-ext
102,5800normalize_itSeamlessly deal with database tables with normalized info. Auto-generation of relations...
102,5800tobias-jmxInstall this gem and require 'jmx' to load the library.
102,5800niftanyCombining "nittany" and "nifty" into one, super-nice gem that lints all our code at once.
102,5800slack_rubyAn ActiveModel compliant wrapper for the Slack API
102,5800silo_managerThis is a tool is used to provide CRUD silo operations for Nexpose.
102,5800anshul_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails Application
102,5800wallhavenSimple gem for Wallhaven API
102,5800vite_rails_legacyUse Vite in Rails 4 and bring joy to your JavaScript experience
102,5800railway_inspectorTest every route in your routes file.
102,5800vagrant-rake-forkA Vagrant plugin to execute `rake` commands from the host in the VM
102,5800rwdgutenbergrwdgutenberg application is a text file reader for RubyWebDialogs.
102,5800prog_image_managerTo share common clasees between prog image multipe microservices.
102,5800yard-goYARD plugin for documenting Go source code
102,5800ozonThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
102,5800about_pFuzzy string searching at about p
102,5800net-tnsA pure Ruby (partial) implementation of the Oracle TNS protocol