Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136181-136200 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361dapiRuby Library for Dapi Connect API.
64,8361dmatrixDocker matrix runner with parallel execution
64,8361principal-components-analysisA PCA algorithm for reducing dimension
64,8361fastlane-plugin-acknowledgementsUse Fastlane to give credit where it's rightfully due
64,8361public_primary_keyIt's often advantageous to use integer primary keys, but it m...
64,8361flashgridFlashgrid is a refreshingly modern responsive web framework for beautiful and faster pr...
64,8361demo_apiIts a gem for sabeq.ps API helper functionalities
64,8361alarmableThis is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...
64,8361flop_for_jekyllA plugin for Jekyll that seamlessly enable emoji.
64,8361active_serializeProvide a very simple way to transform ActiveRecord data into Hash output.
64,8361bitbar_gitlabBitBar GitLab Plugin, giving access to issues and pipelines.
64,8361alert_logicA feature rich API client for AlertLogic Threat Manager
64,8361codebreaker_vvThis awesome gem can create a secret code and a lot of other beautiful things!
64,8361colorfulnessRuby library to calculate the colorfulness of a ChunkyPNG Image
64,8361alchemy_rubyRead and write Alchemy files in Ruby.
64,8361alephant-logger-statsdStatsD driver for Alephant Logger gem.
64,8361active_resource_simulatorA wrapper around HttpMock
64,8361alephant-harnessMore Stuff