Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137721-137740 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700psA ruby utility for interacting with the unix tool 'ps'
38,9700web-under-constructionWebsite Under Construction Jekyll theme.
38,9700armstrongArmstrong is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in styl...
38,9700omniauth-aquaOmniAuth strategy for Aqua.io
38,9700dead-manDeadMan is an implementation of a dead man's switch to monitor jobs. It's a simple tool...
38,9700ghpages_deployDeploy to Github Pages
38,9700assets_on_herokuAssets On Heroku - CSS, JavaScript, Sass. Works with Rails, Merb and Rack apps
38,9700crowdfundBASIC INSTRUCTIONS This gem funds and defunds your projects at random via die roll. The...
38,9700cmdserverNote: Version 1.0.0 introduces some breaking changes. Make sure to read the documentati...
38,9700j_studio_gameBASIC INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION EXAMPLE (For older version of 1.0.1): gem install jam...
38,9700cinch-auth-autovoiceCinch plugin that automatically voices all users in specified channels that are authed
38,9700futuroJekyll theme for front-end UX development & presentation. Made by Paul Heading for the ...
38,9700jwtbA pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard with add...
38,9700carmen-regionsAdd regions to Carmen::Country
38,9700activestorage-aliyun-ossWraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
38,9700mzlRidiculous metaprogramming for almost no reason.
38,9700aspenSets up a directory tree for coding projects based on customizable templates
38,9700breadyBready is a tool for building breadcrumbs
38,9700time_keeperA simple gem to pass time in string format without dates and perform various useful ope...