Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137741-137760 of all 180,434 gems.
112,3173palindrome_dvsRuby Gem which checks whether the string is palindrome is not
112,3173mina-supervisordsupervisord wrapper for mina with support for `start`, `stop`, `restart`, `status`, `si...
112,3173type_wrapperDelegator pattern in Ruby without object schizophrenia. Because Object#extend at runtim...
112,3173namelessjon-twitter_oauthA fork of twitter_oauth library. With added yajl (and that's it)
112,3173quick-bundlerA gem that provides dead-simple usage of bundler.
112,3173osxtrashA class for interacting with Mac OS X's trash can. Based on original utility found in o...
112,3173batch_job_reports_generatorrecent first
112,3173just_xiangqiProvides a representation of a xiangqi game complete with rules enforcement and seriali...
112,3173costa_rica_address_utilsUtils lib to work with Costa Rica addresses, verify if address is valid for Province =>...
112,3173reducerA toolkit for heavy Hash lifting
112,3173rails_uiDescription of RailsUi.
112,3173facebookieProvides you a interface for the Facebook API through OAuth
112,3173to_robustSoft semantics for Ruby to automatically recover from fatal exceptions and to repair da...
112,3173mojsaks_studio_gameThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
112,3173lightbox_railsSmall rails wrapper to use Lightbox inside your existing Rails application.
112,3173elliottcable-echoeA Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compili...
112,3173functionalistThe beauty of functional programing in ruby!
112,3173etwingsEtwings API wrapper for monacoin/bitcoin trade.
112,3173smartBuild modular APIs