Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137701-137720 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700harakiriharakiri is a simple gem for url shortening, using a tinyurl and googl service
38,9700mylescarrick-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
38,9700thread_manThreadMan uses Celluloid to abstract out concurrent requests pattern.
38,9700use_indexActiveRecord extension to support MySQL's 'USE INDEX'
38,9700cancan_editcancan ability for views
38,9700mongoid_lazy_migrationMigrate your documents lazily in atomic, or locked fashion to avoid downtime
38,9700itamae-plugin-recipe-kzyty_mysqlItamae plugin to install mysql by package.
38,9700formativeFormative is an extraction of the custom form builder I used in my last couple of Rails...
38,9700youtube_parserGem for parsing youtube data
38,9700rbimgThis gem allows you to read and/or create a valid picture by working with an array of p...
38,9700migreazymigreazy helps manage Rails migrations across git branches.
38,9700sassy-text-shadowSassy Text Shadow created curved shadows.
38,9700carinaEasily bootstrap Rails on Rackspace's Carina
38,9700active_record-connection_proxyProvides proxy-based connection switching logic for ActiveRecord.
38,9700capcode-base-datamapperCapcode plugin to access databases via DataMapper
38,9700array_is_uniqImplement the missing uniq? method on Array
38,9700spree_avatax_officialThe new officially supported Avalara AvaTax extension for Spree Commerce using Avalara ...
38,9700zombie_recordAllows restoring your Active Records from the dead!
38,9700ruby2cruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works. NOTE ! NOTE ! NO...