Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138141-138160 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rubocop-customProject based custom cops for Rubocop.
103,2051masover-threadsafeAdds a #threadsafe? method to Ruby classes.
103,2051hemalThe friendliest gem out there
103,2051kobkob-themeThis is my first theme and it will br great
103,2051llm_memory_pgvectorA Ruby plugin for the llm_memory gem which allows it to use a pgvector-powered Postgres...
103,2051google-instant-hangoutsGem to Easily add Google+ Hangouts to any web page and Rails asset pipeline
103,2051ms-msrunA library for working with LC/MS runs. Part of mspire. Has parsers for mzXML v1, 2, an...
103,2051google-apis-clouddeploy_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Deploy API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby cl...
103,2051jifGif analyzer for editing and building gifs written in ruby and dependencies free
103,2051ntimelinedescription of gem
103,2051shopify_empty_gemEmpty gem for testing purposes
103,2051niceidSimple to remember and safe for handwriting, letters and numbers based ID.
103,2051jekyll-theme-strict-machineA minimal monospace theme.
103,2051happeningAn EventMachine based S3 client
103,2051raggi-srvany_managerA quick and simple manager for running programs as services on win32. Makes use of / r...
103,2051nilsimsaComputes Nilsimsa values. Nilsimsa is a distance based hash
103,2051radiant-fabulator_exhibit-extensionProvides storage management for the Fabulator Exhibit extension for use with the Radian...
103,2051scope_composerScopes will be built
103,2051ruby-cracklibRuby (FFI) binding for cracklib.