Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138161-138180 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051sin_refinementsEnable Proc level Refinements forcibly.
103,2051martianStatic site generator through the beauty of haml and sass.
103,2051jobs_crawlerCrawl the senegalese web, looking for jobs using the excellent wombat gem
103,2051metryMetry aims to close the gap between knowing you ought to be making decisions based on h...
103,2051rack-www_form_encodingEncode from not UTF-8 www-form-urlencoded params to UTF-8 www-form-urlencoded params
103,2051panolint-rubyRules for linting Ruby code at Panorama Education. Use the latest git commit of this ge...
103,2051guard-tishadowStart tishadow server and push updates on changes to app directory
103,2051rogue-objectsRuby MiniTest utilities
103,2051gpr-fetchGpr plugin to fetch all registered repositories
103,2051port-a-querySimple helper for generating portable SQL expressions.
103,2051outdatedSafely update your gems
103,2051rails_admin_live_editA rails_admin plugin to edit site contents from the frontend
103,2051linode_clusterA simple wrapper library for creating a cluster of Linodes.
103,2051gps-jobGoogle Pub/Sub Active Job Adapter
103,2051juno-sdkJuno SDK
103,2051safariThe Rails CMS!
103,2051rrx_configRuby on Rails support for environment-base configuration
103,2051matflores-integrity-tumblrLet Integrity post notifications to a Tumblr weblog after each build
103,2051yelp2A simple wrapper around the Yelp v2 API