Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138221-138240 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051glomperGives access to all endpoints Glomper API
103,2051kitchen-kerberosAdds a kerberos ticket authentication to test-kitchen transport
103,2051social_share_countThis is gem use for get share count from social websites with specific url.
103,2051SerialModemThis can interface a lot of different usb-modems
103,2051ritz_contrived_mathA simple hello world gem
103,2051sensu-handlers-purge-stale-resultsThis handler provides facilities for purging stale check events
103,2051ldap_disambiguateQueries the PSU ldap to see if it can find a user that matches the text to get the pref...
103,2051purecdbA Pure Ruby CDB reader/writer w/64 bit extensions
103,2051sms48-railsSending sms with sms48.ru
103,2051jdbc-mssql-azureSQL Azure wont let you connect using JTDS :(
103,2051orbREPL-driven testing for ruby -- integrates with pry and lets you build tests incrementa...
103,2051seguaSegua acts like tail -f, except that it accepts a directory as input, not a file. It th...
103,2051ConvertInetConvert IPAddr Object.
103,2051nucacheA better way of caching counts
103,2051HilinkModemUsing the web-interface of huawei hilink modems to do things
103,2051gem_test_fukuharatest gem
103,2051pcre2Wraps the PCRE2 library using FFI so it and the advanced functionality it provides can ...
103,2051gem_test_ohashitest gem
103,2051setagoA simple hello world gem
103,2051penta_gitA Git based command line issue tracker without web service such as GitHub or Redmine.