Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138241-138260 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051smokegraphyWeb testing framework, That deploies html htaccess and cgi before test.
103,2051liquid_loaderSee Summary
103,2051reidReid is a simple tool for crawling web pages and throttling requests
103,2051omniauth-miicardOmniAuth strategy for miiCard
103,2051guard-erbguard-erb automatically compiles a erb file into the specified directory
103,2051padrino-respondersThis component is used to create slim controllers without unnecessery and repeti...
103,2051ontomde-demo-strutsThis is a demonstration project for our acegi integration == FEATURES: Generates a we...
103,2051rpostfgenerate PostFinance (Swiss Post) URLs and vaildate responses
103,2051rawRaw provides everything you need to develop professional Web applications using Ruby an...
103,2051kismet-gpsxmlA quick solution to model Kismet-generated gpsxml log files and output to CSV
103,2051railsdavProvides basic Rails 3/4/5 extensions for making your business resources accessible via...
103,2051mvg-liveA CLI and ruby client for mvg-live.de, the real-time interface to Munich's public trans...
103,2051cronenbergA Ruby vSphere API helper that wraps rbvmomi, aiming to simplify certain basic tasks.
103,2051convert_numeralThis gem convert numeral into Chinese Numeral or full-width numeral.
103,2051qubell_apiQubell API wrapper
103,2051jekyll-wikilinksAdd jekyll support for [[wikilinks]] (in markdown files).
103,2051py3o_fusionGenerate PDF from ODF via Py3o.Fusion
103,2051prospectus_pkgforgeProspectus helpers for pkgforge
103,2051google-apis-dfareporting_v3_3This is the simple REST client for Campaign Manager 360 API V3_3. Simple REST clients a...
103,2051draco-stateA Draco add-on to enable writing state machines