Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138361-138380 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920ruby-invoiceRuby Invoice is a gem special for generating invoices in a simple and fast way.
95,5920knfKNF for Ruby
95,5920rwdziparubyslippersrubyslippers is frontend for the RubyGems system using rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs. Re...
95,5920doccoliDoccoli is a modern lightweight rails engine that provides for management of hierarchic...
95,5920renuo-cliThe Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...
95,5920consignmentA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a consignment
95,5920rockthevoteA ruby gem for RockTheVote's Rocky API.
95,5920fixed_width_parserThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920dm-fql-adapterFQL Adapter for DataMapper
95,5920scrapinghub-api-clientSimple api client for Scrapinghub
95,5920sinatra_app_genOur default app template
95,5920dapr-clientDapr SDK for Ruby
95,5920sortahSortah provides a simple, declarative internal DSL for sorting your email. It prov...
95,5920fastlane-plugin-fileio_uploadThis plugin enables to upload a file to file.io
95,5920ruby_reader_csvla gema csv_read_er permite procesar un archivo csv de gran tamaƱo El metodo read_in_...
95,5920couch_publishRides on top of the `memories` gem to add simple publishing functionality with rollback...
95,5920google-cloud-bigquery-analytics_hubAnalytics Hub is a data exchange platform that enables you to share data and insights a...
95,5920rspec_gemInvoke the tests rspec from gems in application rails.
95,5920secure_escrowSecureEscrow provides a content proxy for Rails applications allowing POSTing to secure...
95,5920hammer_cli_katello_bridgeKatello commands for Hammer CLI. This plugin use Katello CLI to run the commands.