Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138321-138340 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920jackboxMain gem for Ruby Code Injectors: Closures as Modules
95,5920itudesUtility library to simplify dealing with multitudes
95,5920cypher_builderBuild Cypher query classes (Neo4j).
95,5920lemonlimeGem for spriting mixins and outputting mixins. Built ontop of sprite-factory
95,5920bukkitA command line wrapper for CraftBukkit.
95,5920rcommonsmathA thin jruby wrapper for commons-math (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structur...
95,5920gemologistA library for rewriting your Gemfile and gemspec.
95,5920catchpointWrapper and CLI for Catchpoint API
95,5920stonegao-mongoidMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
95,5920concurrent-wrapperconcurrent-wrapper make concurrence oriented programming easy. With the wrapper you eve...
95,5920rubysl-enumeratorRuby standard library enumerator stub.
95,5920google-apis-config_v1This is the simple REST client for Infrastructure Manager API V1. Simple REST clients a...
95,5920davetron5000-daves-resumeCommand Line tools to manage your resume and generate it in various formats
95,5920signetifySimple module that accepts token and return Authorization for Google
95,5920snowflake-rbsnowflake ruby impl
95,5920hotreloadhot reload changed files
95,5920sensu-plugin-trelloUsed for incident management where a card represents an incident.
95,5920laag-fontconfigLibrary as a Gem - fontconfig