Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138301-138320 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800a-discourse-omniauth-jwtAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
102,5800peas-cliPeas is an open source Heroku-style PaaS written in Ruby and using Docker
102,5800packmulePackmule makes packaging projects into archives easier than ever.
102,5800adrRecord architectural decisions
102,5800s3_styleS3Style is a utility for generating and modifying S3 urls with multiple "style" variant...
102,5800samsaraCustom auditing gem made for and by PEP. Rather than just saving the modifications made...
102,5800wit-ruby2A simple library for interacting with wit.ai -- will expand as the api does
102,5800zimbra_wallAn authorization wall for Zimbra
102,5800rubypegRubyPeg helps you to create readable Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) in, err, ruby
102,5800oldskool-ipinfodbdescription: Display IP information from ipinfodb.com
102,5800quick_magick_hooopoQuickMagick allows you to access ImageMagick command line functions using Ruby interface.
102,5800recortasA ruby wrapper for the http://cort.as service
102,5800rtaglibRtaglib is a binding for Taglib's library (http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/taglib.htm...
102,5800vs_token_generatorGenerate a token based on time-stamp
102,5800sideloadOffers a safe way to copy (config) files through differentstorages
102,5800pkm_level2_converterConverts PKM modules for testing
102,5800qapiQuery library for various popular APIs.
102,5800rbbtMeta package for a gem that requires the basic Rbbt packages
102,5800redistatA Redis-backed statistics storage and querying library written in Ruby.