Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138281-138300 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731chaserLightweight mutation testing in any flavor of ruby
110,9731omniauth-inspire9An OmniAuth client libary for Inspire9's identity server.
110,9731jeremyWrite a longer description. Optional.
110,9731almicubeProvide raking system for your ActiveRecord Model on Rails 4 with SortedSet of Redis Da...
110,9731jaehess-powncerPowncer is a Ruby library to the Pownce REST API
110,9731sitemap_pingRuby module for ping xml sitemaps to search engines.
110,9731pharaoh_langProvides a method to convert the alphabet to hieroglyphs in a string.If the character i...
110,9731bored-gemCreating my first gem
110,9731cinchizeCreate dynamic Cinch IRC-bots and daemonize them, without the need of writing any code
110,9731brunocruz_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails Application
110,9731deep_thought-capistrano_3Deep Thought deployer for 3.0 <= Capistrano.
110,9731alexmchale-red-milkRedMilk is a client for Remember The Milk.
110,9731prpm-toolsTools for parsing logs according the PRPM Guidlines
110,9731rygsaekRygsaek provides helpers to attach/display attachments in place, like a photo on a User...
110,9731direct_upload-gcsReturning the signed url from ruby gem so client can use it for uploading
110,9731hassanNot yet.
110,9731chime-hawkerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
110,9731jagramjagram is made for japanese programming eduction purpose
110,9731jandot-ruby-ucsc-apiruby-ucsc-api provides a ruby API to the UCSC databases (http://genome.ucsc.edu)
110,9731bruwBruw is a CLI designed to simplify daily tasks