Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138421-138440 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630ruboty-opening_sentenceRuboty plugin for 小説の書き出し.
85,8630named_value_classQuickly add customizable class delegate constants which output their names, not their v...
85,8630middleman-stravaA Middleman extension that provides helpers to easily display Strava API data
85,8630fastenvTakes advantage of method_missing to give you fast access to environment variables.
85,8630oafCare-free web app prototyping using files and scripts
85,8630tape-chrRSS reader for Character based website
85,8630set_specsA few Rspec matchers for making assertions about set-like properties of Enumerables.
85,8630tilia-uriFunctions for making sense out of URIs.
85,8630gnetvibesNetvibes integration with the Gnome Desktop
85,8630hyperscoreCyberscore HAPI client
85,8630irealb_parserConverts iRealB chords to the chords-json format.
85,8630ruby_algorithmsThis gem includes the common data structures and algorithms.
85,8630sensu-plugins-gearmanSensu plugins for gearman
85,8630string_work_justinewaltMy first time building a Gem, hope this works.
85,8630RubimageRubimage gives you the width and height of a jpg, png and tiff
85,8630rails_javascript_logRails engine containing Adam Schwartz's javascript logging library (Console.log with st...
85,8630isvalidCheck email
85,8630jasherai-onigurumaRuby bindings to the Oniguruma[http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/] regular expr...
85,8630hola_enderA simple hello world gem to test ruby gems
85,8630po_boxCreate inboxes for your users to send and receive emails.