Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138341-138360 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920robot_remote_serverRemote server for Robot Framework in Ruby
95,5920construqt-ipaddressIPAddress is a Ruby library designed to make manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addres...
95,5920rubyunderscoreIt allows you to create simple blocks by using underscore symbol
95,5920revelry_paymentsA payments module for Rails
95,5920kittenfyDowload a kitten pic in current directory.
95,5920graphql-opentracingInstruments the graphql-ruby gem for opentracing
95,5920roscThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920slf4j-jarsSLF4J jars
95,5920sqlitecacheThe SQLite Cache gem allows you cache slow queries in ruby code. It provides a simple A...
95,5920jekyll-onion-locationAdds Onion Location as meta header
95,5920simple_tablerSimple Tabler helps you to make a table in Terminal
95,5920girc-wookieA simple command line utility that adds an IRC web hook to a GitHub repository configur...
95,5920sumhashProvides summation operation to Hash and OpenStruct. Works with nested structures.
95,5920cache-backend-iron-cacheAn Iron Cache backend for the Quarter Spiral cache-client gem.
95,5920SystemTimerSet a Timeout based on signals, which are more reliable than Timeout. Timeout is based ...
95,5920hash_transformUse this gem to extend the Hash class with useful key and value mapping methods.
95,5920enerbot-slackThe dream of enerbot
95,5920hyperdockHypermedia API for Docker
95,5920foederatiFederated search
95,5920jammJamm help you make payment without credit cards