Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141541-141560 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382git-ngRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
110,0382rubocop-rspec-extraA RuboCop extension focused on enforcing RSpec. A place where no one is officially empl...
110,0382fastlane-plugin-parse_jsonParse a JSON file
110,0382guard-concatfilterGuard::ConcatFilter automatically concatenates files in one when watched files are modi...
110,0382qu_mailerQuMailer is a Rails plugin for delivering email asynchronously from ActionMailer via th...
110,0382flag_promotionsHow does spree extension works. Now i know
110,0382dcadenas-filetesthelperA simple helper aimed at reducing the setup effort needed to create directories, files ...
110,0382freezing_emailSaving email messages from your Rails app and view it later
110,0382ndb-rubyGem to wrap NDB API
110,0382rails_cropitIt is jQuery gem for "customizable crop and zoom" on rails application platform
110,0382squash_uploaderShared library amongst all gems relating to Squash that handles communication with a Sq...
110,0382menus_alu100851236A partir de la práctica anterior, implementar una clase para gestionar listas enlazadas.
110,0382rack-tunnelAutomatic port forwading via SSH tunneling.
110,0382neo_radRuby Arduino Development: a framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing pl...
110,0382harness-rabbitmqRabbitMQ gauge for Harness
110,0382nilesh_fetchfetch api gem Release
110,0382deedubs-mobile_fuAutomatically detect mobile requests from mobile devices in your Rails application.
110,0382skype_archiveskype archive client
110,0382md-roadieRoadie tries to make sending HTML emails a little less painful in Rails 3 by inlining s...
110,0382octopubA tool for publishing GitHub Pages.