Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141521-141540 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382roda-monadsReuse business logic operations in Roda
110,0382davidrichards-tegu_labsCollaboration tool for analytical work: project notes, log, repositories, roles, and pa...
110,0382Voteable_Iank_novIan's version of the voting gem
110,0382bondoSensible composite Ruby objects
110,0382hanvoxHanvox is an audio processing library used to find specific signatures within audio. It...
110,0382smstraderbsmstraderb provides a client library for the smstrade.de HTTP API.
110,0382mob_image_factoryConvert an image to all required sizes for iOS and Android
110,0382yawUnlike a complete wiki engine, yaw is a wiki library to be embeded in your rails ap...
110,0382johkiSimple Steam Web API Library.
110,0382hola_onezeroA simple hello world gem
110,0382configarrrActually it's not. It's just a way of handling configuration.
110,0382tables-railsshow Tables
110,0382rickshaw-railsRickshaw provides the elements you need to create interactive graphs: renderers, legend...
110,0382ghaki-accountCollection of user / host login information helper objects.
110,0382ParseTreeReloadedParseTreeReloaded is a reimplementation of ParseTree using RubyInlineAcceleration. The ...
110,0382pg_fuzzy_string_matcherThe pg_fuzzy_string_matcher gem uses the set of functions of contrib/fuzzystringmatchin...
110,0382marketo2Allows easy integration with marketo from ruby (v2 and up). You can synchronize leads a...
110,0382foreman_deploymentsA plugin adding Multi-Host Deployment support into the Foreman.
110,0382lucid-shopify-sessionShopify client library session token helpers for embedded apps