Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141501-141520 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382hola_diegospinarA simple hello world gem
110,0382jeymodA simple Module gem (My First gem)
110,0382ruby-bulletA ruby binding for Bullet.
110,0382nhk-easy-rubyRead the news with this Ruby interface for NHK's public API.
110,0382sidr-railsSidr.js package for the Ruby on Rails Asset Pipeline
110,0382way2smsA simple way to send sms using way2sms account
110,0382itamae-plugin-resource-brew_tapHomebrew tap resource for Itamae plugin
110,0382wupartyRuby wrapper for Wufoo's REST API v3.
110,0382grim_objectGenerate grim Heroku-like object names.
110,0382sms_sender_testerTester of sending sms for: - https://github.com/MJ-Ghorbanalibeik/sms_sender_ots -...
110,0382rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-obs-howto-202304Tokyo Debian Open Build Service Howto 202304
110,0382saku_rpsA CLI Rock Paper Scissors game
110,0382db_binary_searchAn Active Support concern extending Active Record with the ability to binary search...
110,0382selfishSet block first parameter to self, and make self short-hand (_ or s)
110,0382hola_minaA simple hello world gem
110,0382parasut_railsParasut api for rails
110,0382narray-ruby19N-dimensional Numerical Array class for Ruby
110,0382gemaalu0100889871Diseñar e implementar un DSL, siguiendo la filosofía de Ruby, que permita la definición...
110,0382david-merb_resourcefulmerb_resourceful lends a little magic to common resource actions.