Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141581-141600 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800skn_utilsValue containers supporting nested dot.notation access over hashes, and utilities offer...
102,5800yxt-apiHelping rubyist integration with YXT API easier.
102,5800nagiosharderNagios access at your ruby fingertips
102,5800net-yailNet::YAIL is an IRC library written in pure Ruby. Using simple functions, it is trivia...
102,5800avmuresan-product_apiMuch longer explanation of the example!
102,5800webexwebex APIs for rails, according to cisco webex
102,5800munsonA JSON API Spec client for Ruby
102,5800rubycnab240Crie arquivo de remessa de pagamentos CNAB240 - Febraban
102,5800roentgenAWS X-Ray client for instrumenting and tracing distributed Ruby applications
102,5800rails_routes_drawerA simple way to split your routes in multiple files
102,5800pushgateway-metricsAn abstracted interface sitting between a Prometheus Pushgateway and your app
102,5800audio_ratingLibrary for reading embedded star-ratings in audio files. Supports file formats: AIFF,...
102,5800rsubhakRecursively traverse a hash or array *ha* (potentially of other nested hashes and/or ar...
102,5800radiant-paperclipped-extensionAssets extension based on the lightweight Paperclip plugin.
102,5800seems_rateableStar rating engine using jQuery plugin jRating for Rails applications
102,5800snifterKeeping an eye on twitter to monitor user feedback for your product
102,5800bibtex_parserA parser for the BibTeX citation format
102,5800phoRuby client for the Talis Platform
102,5800regentanzRegentanz is a template preprocessor and compiler that makes it easier to work with Clo...
102,5800sortablCheck github repository for more in-depth information.