Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141561-141580 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800ruby_css_lintWraps up the CSS lint tool from https://github.com/stubbornella/csslint into a gem
102,5800alnumAlnum is a generator of alphanumeric code from integers and vice-versa. Can be useful s...
102,5800r_migremeRuby Gem API migre.me
102,5800bcms_pollingAllows for user feedback via short polling questions.
102,5800ar-simple-idmapAdd simple finegrained handcontrolled identity map for ActiveRecord
102,5800qrcode_webUses a google web service to generate QR codes
102,5800wesenderWesender - RubyOnRails application integration library
102,5800spurious-ruby-awssdk-helperHelper gem for configuring the AWS ruby SDK with spurious details
102,5800vlsA CLI and Rails console utility that lists the versions of modules used by the specifie...
102,5800tclink_gsTrust Commerce connectivity layer
102,5800open_jp_get_elevationthis is a gem which get elevation for japan
102,5800agioAgio is a library and a tool for converting HTML to {Markdown}[http://daringfireball.ne...
102,5800restkit-generateA model generator for iOS RestKit (Rails-like)
102,5800vagrant-vbox-snapshotVagrant plugin that exposes the `VBoxManage snapshot` command.
102,5800rmaybemaybe monad library
102,5800plugrushA wrapper for the plugrush api
102,5800big_machineAdd support for creating state machine on any ruby object
102,5800ts2cb-order-checkerChecks if particular orders appear in CaseBlocks
102,5800animatecssAdd animate css goodies to your rails pipeline