Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141681-141700 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800rails_view_componentDescription of RailsViewComponent.
102,5800rack-pubcookiePubcookie finally leaves the world of apache!
102,5800azimuttoA gem that provides text handling for Twitter
102,5800peridotDotfile management with rake on steroids
102,5800WingenderTFClassThis gem allows to retrieve information for a transcription factor from Wingender's TFC...
102,5800aes-sidHardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targ...
102,5800sleep_walkerRelease power of crontab to generate apointment schedule
102,5800rocket_pays_rails_apiGem used to integration with RokcetPays
102,5800rubroxyA simple ruby built proxy
102,5800apimatic_calculator_test_rubySimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
102,5800redis-callRedis access library for Ruby: threads, handy key names, transactions and queues
102,5800trevorTrevor tells you to do that thing you totally forgot to do.
102,5800vileda-generatorsA collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files(html5), ba...
102,5800rack-unscriptedMany sites these days absolutely require a user to have Javascript enabled in order to ...
102,5800problem_childAllows authenticated or anonymous users to fill out a standard web form to creat GitHub...
102,5800orangeOrange is a Ruby framework for building managed websites with code as simple as Sinatra
102,5800read_laterRead Later buttons for Instapaper and Readability.
102,5800record_on_chainrecord some data on nem chain
102,5800textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
102,5800wurfl_deviceRuby client library for mobile handset detection