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131661-131680 of all 182,301 gems.
131,6484,189tgemTrivial shakeout of jeweler
131,6484,189rails-upAutomatic vagrant box for your rails project.
131,6484,189haggisComing soon
131,6484,189tx-rubyA Transifex API interface written in Ruby
131,6484,189cropperProvides a mechanism for uploading, cropping and reusing images in any of your models.
131,6484,189granatum-apiCliente ruby para integração com a API do Granatum. Maiores informações http://www.gran...
131,6484,189hackernoteHacker's Note - A command-line tool creates gitbook compatible structure for pentest an...
131,6484,189favorite_itFavorite stuff with this gem.
131,6484,189nurettin-phantomjsAuto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration.
131,6484,189tinytimerwith handy global methods, print out the running time as your codes run
131,6484,189portariusA doorman for your Rack application. Checks if REMOTE_USER matches the subdomain. Requi...
131,6484,189traffickerTrafficker provides a Ruby wrapper around the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) API.
131,6484,189httperfrb-grapherGraphing utility for httperfrb.
131,6754,188cocaCoca is a chainable, devise-based scheme for delegation of authentication. It works thr...
131,6754,188obuttsRuby gem for API
131,6754,188carmen-regionsAdd regions to Carmen::Country
131,6754,188zfstozabReads zfs stats from the proc filesystem and sends the data to zabbix
131,6754,188spreadsheet_manager_refithe spreadsheet files are not reopened when reading them again