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131901-131920 of all 182,301 gems.
131,8874,178snowfinch-collectorCollector gem for snowfinch.
131,8874,178animehunter-mongoA Ruby driver for the 10gen Mongo DB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www....
131,8874,178post-modernWrite Haml in Markdown, Syntax Highlight with Pygments, and Pretty Print the output HTM...
131,8874,178pdf-textstreamJRuby gem converting PDF to text keeping the layout
131,8874,178game_set_matchAllow matching of terms in two enumerable sets.
131,8874,178pullmePull request creator
131,8874,178puavo-clientSimple ruby wrapper for the Puavo API
131,8874,178brainsome_streamio-ffmpegSimple yet powerful wrapper around ffmpeg to get metadata from movies and do transcoding.
131,9094,177flycat_logicDescription of FlycatLogic.
131,9094,177scrunchA tool to make audiobooks smaller
131,9094,177rbmountlibmount ruby bindings
131,9094,177FreeWiFiNYCAccessing the internet in New York City is now easier than ever. ...
131,9094,177dashing-newrelicDashing-Rails widget that display newrelic metrics
131,9094,177gemifreshScans Gemfiles to check gem updates.
131,9094,177my_string_extend_rosawaThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,9094,177destroyed_record_collectorGem for collecting the deleted record for ActiveRecord to a new table named as (origina...
131,9094,177leveldb_curatorCurator to Manage multiple LevelDB databases over UDP. See project home (GIT) for imple...
131,9094,177ffi-procpsFFI wrapper for procps library
131,9094,177ecm_files_backendEcm Files Backend Module.
131,9094,177elo-worldA simple elo world gem