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131921-131940 of all 182,301 gems.
131,9094,177fusioncharts_exporterRails engine to export fusioncharts into image and pdf.
131,9094,177twilio_thinqlcrNote that you will need a valid LCR Account with thinQ before using the libraries. For ...
131,9094,177nymph-generatenymph-generate is to be used alongside the Nymph Game Engine for generating Chaiscript ...
131,9094,177SmsAPISMS API to
131,9094,177datakickRuby client for Datakick - the open product database
131,9094,177sinatra-responderThis extension makes all sinatra routes automatically call to_json on whatever the rout...
131,9094,177quincyextract patient data from QuincyPCnet data files,
131,9094,177sendmarkSend email by markdown text.
131,9094,177map-rotationBuilds a new map rotation file for hl2-based games
131,9094,177ruby_prof-jsonIf you need to process results from a profiling session, JSON is a good place to start.
131,9094,177pipe_toAdds methods to String for piping a string to the standard input of a Unix program and ...
131,9094,177nathanizeThe library adds the method nathanize to String class, which changes the contents of th...
131,9094,177omniauth-google-oauth2-mosesA Google oauth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
131,9094,177slaxor-chronicChronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. Use this if you ge...
131,9354,176lita-vaxcalcVaxCalc (vaccine ingredient calculator) skills
131,9354,176my_string_extendjmzThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,9354,176muonDistributed time tracking tool
131,9354,176answers-ruby-clientAccess the the Answers Platform's read/write API in idiomatic Ruby.
131,9354,176andrzejsliwa-session_managementSession Management Plugin in object oriented way.
131,9354,176sanultari-growlgrowlnotify bindings