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132521-132540 of all 180,459 gems.
132,5074,007monetary_valueProvides the MonetaryValue and Currency classes.
132,5074,007nulogy-poirotmustaches are cool
132,5074,007rpg_libLibrary of tools for automating role-playing game tasks.
132,5244,006march_wikiDescription of MarchWiki.
132,5244,006static_watcherWatches for changes and compiles Haml, Sass, Scss, and Coffeescript
132,5244,006level3longer description of your gem
132,5244,006double_bookedDouble-entry accounting issues credits and debits, calculates balances, allows for summ...
132,5244,006icon_badgeA simple Shield logo badge generator
132,5244,006apidayThis is a demo ruby gem on aiit enpit project.
132,5244,006KenseiRubygem backend for Kensei, the Emacs mail major mode
132,5244,006jiojio - transactional, journaled file I/O for Ruby
132,5244,006dantestA simple hello world gem
132,5244,006switcherooActiveRecord migration library to speed up schema changes for large PostgreSQL tables
132,5244,006bulldoggy-filesystemA filesystem repository strategy for bulldoggy apps
132,5244,006purple_air_apiThis gem is a API wrapper for the PurpleAir API intended to help in making requests ...
132,5244,006video_parserThis gem is used to get video info from youku, tudou, slideshare.
132,5244,006ruby-paaRuby Interface to Amazon's Product Advertising API (Amazon's Associates Web Services)
132,5244,006wispRuby extension library for visualizing the line that is currently running
132,5244,006whoisthisEasily get the systems name by running 'whoisthis'.