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135361-135380 of all 182,301 gems.
135,3484,002restfolia-uritemplateAdds support to uri-templates in the dsl restfolia. See
135,3484,002retention_magicRetentionMagic is a drop-in gem for instantly generating insightful graphs that tel...
135,3634,001vagrant-moshVagrant plugin to use Mosh to connect to box
135,3634,001user_redmine_clientRest API Redmine
135,3634,001ansi_escapeExtends the String class to handle basic ANSI escape sequences with...
135,3634,001servitorA tool to help compose an SOA from 12-factor apps
135,3634,001scoped_storageStores values in a thread local or thread global storage
135,3634,001kvpairRails easy Key Value Pairs.
135,3634,001to_jFast JSON serializer for Rails based on Jbuilder and concept of views.
135,3634,001converrencycurrency converter
135,3634,001rails_parserAn parser for Rails apps
135,3634,001requestlyRequestly is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Ruby
135,3634,001turbo_test_ruby_refinementsCollection of refinements for Ruby classes
135,3634,001rankitPost stuff, rank it, let others rank, comment
135,3634,001conformistaA library for creating form objects for Rails applications.
135,3634,001bunto_test_plugin_maliciousA malicious gem for Bunto (for testing)
135,3634,001source_notesExtract source notes aka annotations. Based on Rails SourceAnnotationExtractor.
135,3794,000slothSloth makes laziness easy.
135,3794,000api2cart-daemonAnti throttling proxy server for API2Cart requests