Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135881-135900 of all 182,419 gems.
135,8793,980enumerator-traits-kita collection of useful Ruby sequence traits and operations
135,8793,980fizzbuzzardMakes all multiples of 3 print as FIZZ, etc etc
135,8793,980mister_fairyIt is fairy. So cute.
135,8793,980dugoutA performance testing tool
135,8793,980brightcove_cms_apiA simple wrapper around Brightcove's CMS API
135,8793,980rasqalEncapsulates the escape function from Rasqal
135,8793,980piggybak_stripeIntegration of Stripe payment gateway for use with Piggybak
135,8793,980blackhacker-todoist-apiSimple ruby interface for the Todoist http API.
135,8793,980draw_clouddrawcloud ========= Draw AWS CloudFormation configurations in Ruby Copyright and Lic...
135,8793,980pod_legalAdd Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to your Diaspora pod.
135,8793,980temper-controlTemperature Controller Library
135,8793,980picasa_albumsSimple Google Picasa managment
135,8793,980fluent-plugin-ruby_one_linerFluentd plugin to run ruby one line of script
135,8793,980slow_your_rolesEasy role authorization in Rails ported from an unmaintained library
135,8793,980markdown_logging_proxyWrap your ruby objects in a proxy to find out what happens to them
135,8793,980clarenceb-hiera-eyamlHiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties (Fix for Issue #62)
135,8793,980one_of_many_validatorProvides a OneOfManyValidator for Rails validation. This allows you to validate that o...
135,8793,980logasm-jrubyIt's logasmic
135,8793,980pandoc-include-filterA filter for Pandoc that includes other files at compile time.
135,8793,980word_referenceA Ruby wrapper for the Dictionary API