Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135901-135920 of all 182,419 gems.
135,8793,980captionParse and work with captions.
135,9023,979baldowl-rack_hashed_cookie_sessionHashed cookie-based session store for Rack
135,9023,979vt100ANSI escape sequences to control the terminal's font, color, and cusor with ease.
135,9023,979telegram-webhooksThis project gives you a nice DSL-like interface for the Telegram Bot API
135,9023,979daeltar-mini_factorymini_factory is simple factory builder
135,9023,979changelog-chef-reporterA Chef reporter, which reports to changelog
135,9023,979cibaA Ciba get Xml gem
135,9023,979dartdatabase association resolver toolkit for postgres, activemodel, sequel, etc.
135,9023,979wsugg_gemFirst Gem project to learn how to put a gem together and up on The main ...
135,9023,979intro_qmrtest description
135,9023,979leap_caProvides the executable leap_ca, a deamon that refills a pool of x509 client certs stor...
135,9023,979FriendlyscoreFriendlyscore Cloud and Whitelabel API's ruby client
135,9023,979identitynow_rule_validatorA tool to validate IdentityNow rules.
135,9023,979karenc_test_gemA gem to explain how to make gems
135,9023,979hola-yzA simple hello world gem
135,9023,979super_source_hello_worldAn example project using Super Source. View instructions at
135,9023,979new_gamePress Start, new game.
135,9023,979martinos-spork-testunitSpork plugin to enable Test::Unit support.
135,9023,979bitcoin_valueProvides a wrapper around Rest APIs to fetch the current BTC/Fiat value.
135,9203,978knife-winopsPlugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nod...