Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135861-135880 of all 182,301 gems.
135,8583,972telegram-webhooksThis project gives you a nice DSL-like interface for the Telegram Bot API
135,8583,972peentar-omniauth-oauth2An abstract OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
135,8583,972slideshift-staticSlideShift is modern presentation system
135,8583,972tsparserThis is a general-purpose MPEG-TS parser.
135,8583,972pdbsimple print debugging
135,8583,972select_weekdayA tag for days of the week, plus some convenience methods for handling weekdays
135,8583,972keeguon-yaml_dbYamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. It complements...
135,8583,972privetA simple hello world gem in Russian
135,8583,972identitynow_rule_validatorA tool to validate IdentityNow rules.
135,8583,972slow_your_rolesEasy role authorization in Rails ported from an unmaintained library
135,8583,972enumerable-find_onlyEnumerable#find_only raises if more than one item can be returned
135,8583,972git-gsub-rubyYou can control the gsub replacement with the ruby script.
135,8583,972jekyll-docs-templateGitHub Pages Jekyll template for Contributorcoin docs
135,8583,972pandoc-include-filterA filter for Pandoc that includes other files at compile time.
135,8753,971knife-winopsPlugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nod...
135,8753,971daeltar-mini_factorymini_factory is simple factory builder
135,8753,971apmArduino Package Manager let you manage your Arduino compilant libraries. You can fetch,...
135,8753,971cocoapods-cache-proxyPod library source file cache proxy
135,8753,971sap-railsAdd sap to Rails asset pipline
135,8753,971apiwhaA tiny ruby wrapper around apiwha whatsapp API (