Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138581-138600 of all 180,518 gems.
138,5743,699ohm-stateful-modelIntegrate state machines (from the state_machine gem) into your Ohm models.
138,5743,699corelogic-rubyRuby wrapper for the CoreLogic Property API.
138,5743,699mongoid-canhazA simple mongoid extention that allows any application using mongoid to manage permissi...
138,5743,699restxRestx generator.
138,5743,699arcrudAngular Rails CRUD Operation.
138,5743,699meeksterMeekster implements a Meek Single Transferable Vote (STV) voting system, as described i...
138,5743,699ChristophPetschnig-constantrecordA tiny ActiveRecord substitute for small, never changing database tables.
138,5883,698tedlinksAPI to access TED game, manage and join sessions
138,5883,698monographA command line tool for generating beautiful HTML eBooks from Markdown documents
138,5883,698factorial_flightI get asked to calculate factorials in interviews as an example of recursion all the ti...
138,5883,698game_of_repos-jasonpilzExample project - gives lines-of-code for a git repo for each file
138,5883,698yonceAll the single ladies!
138,5883,698motion-profilerA profiler for RubyMotion based on method_profiler.
138,5883,698better_changelogBetter Changelogs for your gems
138,5883,698buttaflyUpload a spreadsheet, map its headers to your columns, and create database objects with...
138,5883,698decoupleDecouples long methods in a pretty weird unnatural way. Please use PRIVATE methods inst...
138,5883,698cincCinC (Commander-In-Chief) is an 3rd RPC system for Eagle Dynamics's DigitalCombatSimulator
138,5883,698RbVviewsRetrieve detailed vCenter views
138,5883,698paratrooper-airbrakeSend deploy notifications to service when deploying with Paratrooper
138,5883,698dirwalkDir::walk, like python os.walk