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138661-138680 of all 180,689 gems.
138,6573,711responsibilityA Responsibility is a class that provides a single piece of functionality, as per the S...
138,6573,711it_bit_sdkitBit gem SDK.
138,6573,711factorial_flightI get asked to calculate factorials in interviews as an example of recursion all the ti...
138,6573,711worldwiseWorldwise is a Rails gem that provides your application with a series of ActiveReco...
138,6573,711kitchen-transport-rsync_winAdditional Test kitchen transport using rsync, modified to work with cygwin
138,6573,711muskoxA JSON-Schema based Parser-Generator
138,6573,711ohm-stateful-modelIntegrate state machines (from the state_machine gem) into your Ohm models.
138,6573,711bosh-plugin-generatorCreate file system tree structure for BOSH plugin development.
138,6573,711tedlinksAPI to access TED game, manage and join sessions
138,6573,711trustpilotBasic TrustPilot API integration.
138,6573,711mongoid-canhazA simple mongoid extention that allows any application using mongoid to manage permissi...
138,6573,711rails_database_awaitAwait readiness of database, when using Google Cloud SQL Auth Proxy for example.
138,6573,711meeksterMeekster implements a Meek Single Transferable Vote (STV) voting system, as described i...
138,6573,711voteable_awlterzhThe best gem ever
138,6573,711cloudfoundryThis wants to achive the functionality lost with cfoundry
138,6773,710decoupleDecouples long methods in a pretty weird unnatural way. Please use PRIVATE methods inst...
138,6773,710motion-profilerA profiler for RubyMotion based on method_profiler.
138,6773,710ahandler_palindromeLearn enough palindrome
138,6773,710obs-websocketControls OBS Studio remotely using obs-websocket protocol