Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138621-138640 of all 180,554 gems.
138,6183,701rspec-isolateEnforce isolation in your unit tests.
138,6183,701webmock-symbol-http-statusUse symbol http status in webmock
138,6183,701decoupleDecouples long methods in a pretty weird unnatural way. Please use PRIVATE methods inst...
138,6183,701foodAIHEPractica dessarrollada dirigida a pruebas TDD.
138,6183,701paratrooper-airbrakeSend deploy notifications to service when deploying with Paratrooper
138,6183,701webpay-scaffoldScaffold for WebPay.
138,6183,701country_continentA very simple Gem to look up continents from a country ISO code. The IP geolocation dat...
138,6183,701CCHIT-xds-facadeSimple interface for XDS for use with JRuby
138,6183,701cosmosc2-tool-cmdsenderThis plugin adds the COSMOS Command Sender tool
138,6183,701mobilizePlaceholder for upcoming Mobilize gem
138,6183,701rvm_ctagsGenerate ctags for rvm Ruby stdlibs.
138,6183,701net-ldap-auth_adapter-gssapiThis gem can be used with the net-ldap gem to perform GSSAPI authentication (which almo...
138,6183,701irasutoya-cliCLI tool for irasutoya
138,6183,701restxRestx generator.
138,6183,701arcrudAngular Rails CRUD Operation.
138,6363,700pj_linkA simple library for communicating over the PjLink protocol
138,6363,700game_of_repos-jasonpilzExample project - gives lines-of-code for a git repo for each file
138,6363,700yonceAll the single ladies!
138,6363,700spaghettiohsA gem that will provide default error controller routing and messaging within the defau...
138,6363,700better_changelogBetter Changelogs for your gems