Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138601-138620 of all 180,530 gems.
138,5903,699fastlane-plugin-android_versioning_plusAllows to set/get app version name and version code directly to/from build.gradle
138,5903,699vagrant-multihostsupdaterEnables Vagrant to update hosts file on the host machine
138,5903,699mobilizePlaceholder for upcoming Mobilize gem
138,5903,699corelogic-rubyRuby wrapper for the CoreLogic Property API.
138,5903,699punisherPunish your database
138,5903,699net-ldap-auth_adapter-gssapiThis gem can be used with the net-ldap gem to perform GSSAPI authentication (which almo...
138,5903,699lita-twilio-texterLita skill for sending SMSes via Twilio API
138,5903,699restxRestx generator.
138,5903,699awesomeprintYou probably meant `gem install awesome_print`.
138,5903,699moromi-request_headerUseful HTTP Header
138,5903,699ChristophPetschnig-constantrecordA tiny ActiveRecord substitute for small, never changing database tables.
138,6123,698pj_linkA simple library for communicating over the PjLink protocol
138,6123,698tedlinksAPI to access TED game, manage and join sessions
138,6123,698game_of_repos-jasonpilzExample project - gives lines-of-code for a git repo for each file
138,6123,698spaghettiohsA gem that will provide default error controller routing and messaging within the defau...
138,6123,698buttaflyUpload a spreadsheet, map its headers to your columns, and create database objects with...
138,6123,698decoupleDecouples long methods in a pretty weird unnatural way. Please use PRIVATE methods inst...
138,6123,698a_lcdnumbersNumber converter
138,6123,698RbVviewsRetrieve detailed vCenter views
138,6123,698dirwalkDir::walk, like python os.walk