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Most downloads over all time
138701-138720 of all 180,616 gems.
138,6823,704cogniteev-intercomIntercom ( is a customer relationship management and messaging ...
138,6823,704qbo_buttonsRails plugin to use Intuit's Official QuickBooks Online Buttons in SVG format.
138,7033,703quincunxThis probably shouldn't work...
138,7033,703yonceAll the single ladies!
138,7033,703destA ruby doctest library that allows you to write simple tests in your codes documentation.
138,7033,703rack-stale-callValidate that the request was recently generated
138,7033,703chronologChronolog is a CLI for logging time in plain text files
138,7033,703ifbyphone_responseConvenience class that provides an interface for creating valid Ifbyphone XML responses
138,7033,703rand-ordersSimple gem which provides random ordering for mysql, postgresql and sqlite
138,7033,703rustyXML parsing without the hassle.
138,7033,703jquery-rails-rails4This gem integrates Juqery Rails 1.5.7 with the Rails 4.0 asset pipeline.
138,7033,703capistrano-addinsCapistrano Extensions
138,7033,703aiit_xianx1984_holaA simple hello aiit gem
138,7033,703shrikanthWrite a longer description or delete this line.
138,7033,703combination-pairsK, N (where 0 < N < ∞, 0 < K < ∞, and K <= N)
138,7033,703thai_romanizeA Thai romanization function ported from PyThaiNLP
138,7033,703c-ge-japan_calendar日本のカレンダークラスです。 年月を指定するとその月の祝祭æ...
138,7033,703frasierPassphrase generator using plain text books
138,7033,703cehoffman-ruby-serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
138,7203,702dlmConservative redis based ruby distributed lock manager