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Most downloads over all time
138681-138700 of all 180,689 gems.
138,6773,710calavera-integrity-growlEasily let Integrity show Growl notifications after each build
138,6773,710pull_everythingAutomagically opens PRs for all your Viking Repos.
138,6773,710wherelink-matchersAdds link matchers to RSpec for use with Capybara.
138,6773,710my-gemPracticas LPP
138,6773,710rossROSS is a ruby client for aliyun oss
138,6773,710rubyamf-ouvragesRubyAMF is an open source flash remoting gateway for Ruby on Rails and other Rack-based...
138,6773,710sms_baoSmsBao.send(user_name, password, phones, content), SmsBao.query(user_name, password)
138,6773,710country_continentA very simple Gem to look up continents from a country ISO code. The IP geolocation dat...
138,6773,710jekyll-theme-classless-simplejekyll-theme-classless-simple is a Jekyll theme styled with Simple.css, a classless CSS...
138,6773,710chronologChronolog is a CLI for logging time in plain text files
138,6773,710xcassetsGenerates *.xcassets
138,6773,710collection_cache_keyAdds a basic cache_key method to ActiveRecord::Base subclasses for easy collection frag...
138,6773,710rack-ltsvloggerLTSV logger for Rack applications implemented as middleware
138,6773,710sudoku_bardisudoku_bardi (see is a set of tools for solving, validating and generati...
138,6773,710rvm_ctagsGenerate ctags for rvm Ruby stdlibs.
138,6773,710tj_caesar_cipherCaesar Cipher implementation that supports both English and CJK.
138,6773,710punisherPunish your database
138,6773,710bare_minimum_checksProvides a cli to run tests for the files that have been modified
138,6773,710awesomeprintYou probably meant `gem install awesome_print`.
138,6773,710cogniteev-intercomIntercom ( is a customer relationship management and messaging ...