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139781-139800 of all 180,518 gems.
139,7753,641sync_enumIterate over multiple enumerators in parallel, using the external interface based on th...
139,7753,641unicorn_use_special_portLet unicorn use a special port on production.
139,7753,641spree_honeybadgerImproved honeybadger error reporting for spree
139,7753,641pact-ffiEnables consumer driven contract testing, providing a mock service and DSL for the cons...
139,7753,641comparabilityProvides Comparator and declarative definition of comparison operator.
139,7753,641xaviershay-rbcoremidiA gem that provides MIDI in to ruby via OSX CoreMIDI
139,7753,641Z_HTMLgen.rbEnables you to generate HTML pages easily from text files
139,7753,641git-status-treegit-status-tree is a command line tool that shows git repository changes in a file tree.
139,7753,641celect-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
139,7753,641test_sass_rails_patchTest modification of Shanahan fix to sass precompile in rails
139,7753,641dialectDialect is a framework that provides a way to describe your application in terms of...
139,7753,641hola_kennyA simple hello world gem by Kenny
139,7753,641xmlrpc-racka rack app that serves a XMLRPC::BasicServer
139,7953,640icentris-rulesPyr Rules Engine
139,7953,640carldr-memcache-clientA Ruby library for accessing memcached.
139,7953,640tlsmail_extThis library is forked from tlsmail,just remove deperated warnings!
139,7953,640hola_vibA simple hello world gem
139,7953,640studio-game-second-tryThis is my second time creating the Prag Studios Studio Game Gem. It was much better th...
139,7953,640rs-rails-baseRootstrap base engine