Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139801-139820 of all 180,530 gems.
139,7853,641umruhrenRenames files in specified dir with selected extension with random namesn
139,7853,641minitest-fast_failMinitest plugin: fast_fail
139,7853,641zhrbProgram Ruby in Chinese
139,8043,640icentris-rulesPyr Rules Engine
139,8043,640carldr-memcache-clientA Ruby library for accessing memcached.
139,8043,640transfer_toConsumes API and provides with ruby methods for the same
139,8043,640elysiumElysium is a powerful Rails 4 Editable Template Engine
139,8043,640minverMinimal HTTP server with graceful shutdown & value passing
139,8043,640hola_vibA simple hello world gem
139,8043,640studio-game-second-tryThis is my second time creating the Prag Studios Studio Game Gem. It was much better th...
139,8043,640rs-rails-baseRootstrap base engine
139,8043,640xp_ruby_clientRuby client for A/B/ Xperiments tool
139,8043,640the_dude-webPowers up The Dude with Capybara integration
139,8043,640chrislloyd-eb_nested_setA cool acts_as_nested_set alternative
139,8043,640mesh-rbInjecting Mesh allocator into ruby apps. Still under maintenance
139,8043,640guard-ecukesGuard::Ecukes automatically runs your features (much like autotest)
139,8043,640compA library to add functional composition between Procs and Methods in Ruby.
139,8043,640prepdPrepd assists builders of web application products to start with the end in mind by mak...
139,8043,640croniesSimple gem to prevent cron-ing your ruby script multiple times by using simple file bas...