Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139841-139860 of all 180,661 gems.
139,8243,650dylanRoll it!
139,8243,650youngiiiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
139,8243,650rubytrisruby for tetris
139,8443,649icentris-rulesPyr Rules Engine
139,8443,649tlsmail_extThis library is forked from tlsmail,just remove deperated warnings!
139,8443,649carldr-memcache-clientA Ruby library for accessing memcached.
139,8443,649simple_annotationAnnotate method with anything. symbol, string and so on.
139,8443,649croniesSimple gem to prevent cron-ing your ruby script multiple times by using simple file bas...
139,8443,649kanban_metricsA simple tool for processing data from the Kanban board (in csv) and providing metrics
139,8443,649spree_honeybadgerImproved honeybadger error reporting for spree
139,8443,649RubyGridA simple gem for grids in Ruby
139,8443,649chrislloyd-eb_nested_setA cool acts_as_nested_set alternative
139,8443,649rgeo-activerecord-dscheeRGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...
139,8443,649fluent-plugin-randomFluentd custom plugin to generate random values
139,8443,649inteliguide-multitenancyMultitenancy logic for the Inteliguide Suite
139,8443,649Z_HTMLgen.rbEnables you to generate HTML pages easily from text files
139,8443,649elysiumElysium is a powerful Rails 4 Editable Template Engine
139,8443,649recastRecast your models with recast
139,8443,649celect-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...