Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139821-139840 of all 180,661 gems.
139,8003,651youtube_identifierYouTubeIdentifier provides information about any valid YouTube URL.
139,8003,651auth_user_by_aeThe implementation plan the user auth.
139,8003,651expectableThis gem extends MiniTest by allowing you to simply include this class on any given cla...
139,8243,650my_string_extend_zopaThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
139,8243,650openxml-pptxImplements the Office Open XML spec for creating PresentationML documents
139,8243,650DanaDanger-trigraph_passwordGenerates a pronounceable (and thus easy to remember) password.
139,8243,650hola_feijiA simple hello world gem
139,8243,650rypGet information about cryptocurrency from the command line
139,8243,650the_dude-trelloPowers up The Dude with trello integration
139,8243,650ngenieThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
139,8243,650tlopo-cliA library to speed up CLI apps development
139,8243,650slackertQuick and simple way to send message through Slack webhook.
139,8243,650htobonm-rubycalcAn implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
139,8243,650sixarm_ruby_equal_instance_variablesDefine the `==` method to compare two objects' classes, instance variables, and their v...
139,8243,650szimek-ruby-efaxRuby library for accessing the eFax Developer service
139,8243,650rubysl-string_ioRuby Standard Library - string_io
139,8243,650pws-otpExperimental OTP support for PWS
139,8243,650dialectDialect is a framework that provides a way to describe your application in terms of...
139,8243,650comparabilityProvides Comparator and declarative definition of comparison operator.