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139861-139880 of all 180,689 gems.
139,8543,652ngenieThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
139,8543,652rgeo-activerecord-dscheeRGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...
139,8543,652spellcardFind misspelled comment in your source code
139,8543,652discord-notifier-confidistForked from Ian Mitchell : A minimal wrapper for posting Discord Webhooks and Embeds
139,8543,652votifierThis allows you to accept Votifier connections OR send them to a Minecraft Server.
139,8543,652straight_authThe dumbest authentication system you could think of
139,8543,652htobonm-rubycalcAn implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
139,8543,652encrypt_dataString encryption is a popular subject in all programming languages. A simple algorithm...
139,8543,652ultra-minimal-themeUltra minimal jekyll theme that gets out of its own way
139,8543,652rubysl-string_ioRuby Standard Library - string_io
139,8543,652tbg_socialIt finds, caches and updates social engagement of urls on social media (facebook, twitter)
139,8543,652jkraemer-acts_as_ferretacts_as_ferret - Ferret based full text search for any ActiveRecord model
139,8543,652tlopo-cliA library to speed up CLI apps development
139,8543,652dialectDialect is a framework that provides a way to describe your application in terms of...
139,8543,652elysiumElysium is a powerful Rails 4 Editable Template Engine
139,8543,652youtube_identifierYouTubeIdentifier provides information about any valid YouTube URL.
139,8543,652dylanRoll it!
139,8543,652youngiiiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
139,8803,651initialize_as_verboseBoot Rails verbosely with initializer details.