Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139881-139900 of all 180,702 gems.
139,8743,654discord-notifier-confidistForked from Ian Mitchell : A minimal wrapper for posting Discord Webhooks and Embeds
139,8743,654embulk-output-swiftStores files on OpenStack Swift.
139,8743,654straight_authThe dumbest authentication system you could think of
139,8743,654add_eventRuby client for using the AddEvent API (
139,8743,654encrypt_dataString encryption is a popular subject in all programming languages. A simple algorithm...
139,8743,654aspiscommand line encryption tool using rbnacl
139,8743,654tbg_socialIt finds, caches and updates social engagement of urls on social media (facebook, twitter)
139,8743,654deliverhqDeliverHQ API wrapper
139,8743,654duckerWork in progress...
139,8743,654rspec-crispyRSpec plugin for Crispy you can use with rspec-mocks. Privides matchers such as have_re...
139,8743,654sluukkonen-jammitJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
139,8743,654youngiiiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
139,8743,654zooz_paymentsZooz payments mobile api
139,8953,653my_string_extend_zopaThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
139,8953,653jekyll-blogger-generatorA Blogger generator for Jekyll.
139,8953,653project_creatorCreate a folder project from a hash
139,8953,653the_dude-trelloPowers up The Dude with trello integration
139,8953,653swagger_testNo description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
139,8953,653RubyGridA simple gem for grids in Ruby