Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139961-139980 of all 181,049 gems.
139,9513,690spreadsheet_importImport spreadsheet directly to database. Supports simple impo...
139,9513,690trckA gem to communicate to backtrck
139,9513,690jekyll-theme-hydraA marketing site theme for Jekyll.
139,9513,690grapeapeMessage based, event driven web dsl in ruby
139,9513,690hawatel_tlbHawatel_tlb is a ruby version load balancing which the purpose is to dynamic return sel...
139,9513,690dysinger-jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
139,9513,690jekyll-theme-apolloPort hexo-theme-apollo to Jekyll.
139,9513,690times_retryRetry a code block n times with backoff.
139,9513,690middleman-scss-lintScssLint integration with Middleman
139,9513,690cliquegem install clique
139,9723,689rack-seo_redirectRemove or add www and trailing slash from urls for Rack applications. Use it if you can...
139,9723,689mysql2json_esConvert mysql data into json for elasticsearch
139,9723,689my_string_extend_ckThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the ...
139,9723,689rtodotxtWorking with todo.txt file in ruby
139,9723,689rvm-capistrano-ruby193deps-centosCapistrano task to install build-dependencies of Ruby 1.9.3
139,9723,689kb_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
139,9723,689kamisoriProgrammable syntax checker
139,9723,689html-dom-diffGiven two closely related HTML documents find a useful diff
139,9723,689reefCelluloid::IO & Reel powered HTTP(S)/WS framework foundation module.