Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140361-140380 of all 180,518 gems.
140,3443,614voteable_marv_septThe best voting gem
140,3443,614gipullTo get the pull request list of GitHub
140,3443,614poise-citadelDSL for accessing secret data stored on S3 using IAM roles.
140,3443,614byteByte conversion.
140,3443,614cassiano-cassiano-model_lookupImplements the notion of a virtual (transient) lookup table inside Active Record (AR), ...
140,3443,614pure360Interact with the Pure360 email marketing platform
140,3443,614tmtms-reviewReVIEW is a digital publishing system for books and ebooks. It supports InDesign, EPUB ...
140,3443,614downvoteupvoteA test vote scoring gem
140,3443,614learn_partytool for Flatiron School instructors to group students for projects
140,3443,614famousChecks if famous yet...
140,3713,613benchmark_email_api["Methods to access the benchmark API over XML RPC."]
140,3713,613cjwoodward-right_http_connectionFixed bug that was breaking paperclip and s3.
140,3713,613string_to_large_numberHandy conversions for finance numbers to floats
140,3713,613daiz_gemThis gem will simply print out a simple text
140,3713,613wakoopa-bogus_sass_checkerChecks your rails projects Sass files for #ids and .classes and checks if you are using...
140,3713,613jcaladh-rubycalcAn calculator implementation on ruby
140,3713,613queryitisSearch the ITIS Database! (in a very limited fashion)
140,3713,613hola_vinneyA simple hello world gem
140,3713,613nil-passerA nil-tester for blocks
140,3713,613jquery-selectableSimple styleable form selects plugin