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140401-140420 of all 180,518 gems.
140,3933,612lkpackageWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,3933,612ruboty-search_pluginAn Ruboty Handler + Actions to output ruboty plugin search result.
140,3933,612ticketsQuery train tickets info by 12306
140,3933,612ceritium-gitosis-configRuby Gitosis Config
140,3933,612ifelseIfElse is an implementation of the pure object-oriented conditional syntax found in lan...
140,3933,612vidoEnvoltorio de ERB que permite crear rĂ¡pidamente vistas
140,3933,612sramir60-rubycalcAn calculator implementation on ruby
140,3933,612uri_query_mergerSmall class for merging a URL with existing params with a given set of params
140,3933,612xarRuby FFI bindings to libxar.
140,3933,612cocoapods-fast-installA short description of cocoapods-fast-install.
140,4113,611mytotpTotp cli tool for who loves the cli. I made it for myself, I don't like others.
140,4113,611musicbrainz_cliCommand Line Interface for the MusicBrainz database
140,4113,611dtpformatteruse for recording dtp_workload case performance data
140,4113,611flocksSingle node social relationships using redis.
140,4113,611subtitle_parserParse your .srt files into Subtitle objects. This objects represent one subtitle from t...
140,4113,611anonymizableDelete data without deleting it
140,4113,611rkelly_for_reefThe RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree, fixed to support ruby...
140,4113,611omgjsA rails plugin which will automatically build your ActiveResource Models into Javascrip...
140,4113,611toppings-railsrails integration for the equally named ruby gem
140,4113,611grape-cli-mongodbGrape cli for a mongodb grape api